For its May 6th show, Labor Radio on WORT had Marilyn Townsend discuss what the UI clinic does
for workers and how law students from UW-Madison Law School help those
in need and gain valuable legal and life experience along the way. Go to
the 15:40 minute mark of the recording.
Marilyn Townsend was also a guest on the April 29th Labor Radio show, when she discussed (starting at the 22:30 minute mark) her victory in a clinic UI case -- Operton v. LIRC
-- regarding how to apply the new substantial fault disqualification.
Marilyn represented a clinic client all the way to a state appeals court
and won a major victory for workers. The appeals court held that the
substantial fault disqualification cannot apply to inadvertent errors an
employee makes no matter how many warnings the employee receives.
Errors are errors, the appeals court explained, and a warning to not
make an error again does not suddenly transform an error into an
intentional act.
Finally, during the same May 6th show (at the 10:40 minute mark) that Marilyn discussed the UI clinic, another supervising attorney from the clinic, Victor Forberger,
discussed the Department's April 2nd changes to the definition of
concealment (aka unemployment fraud) that make claimants strictly liable
for their mistakes. For more information about concealment, read the numerous concealment entries at Wisconsin Unemployment.