Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Handouts explaining clinic resources no longer being sent to claimants

Earlier this year, DWD stopped sending claimants in Dane County who had appealed their initial determinations this previous handout, which explains how claimants can seek out free legal assistance for their unemployment cases.

Now, DWD is only sending the following handout, which tells them to go to this website for legal resources in unemployment law.  There is no obvious description of where legal assistance is available to claimants on this web page.  Rather, once at this website, claimants need to click on the link for how to file an appeal. Then, in a small box on the right, they need to click on a link for legal help for an appeal. That final link gets them a PDF document that has the following information about unemployment clinics in Madison and Milwaukee as well as legal assistance available from Legal Action of Wisconsin:


Free help is available to assist you with your appeal. The Milwaukee Unemployment Appeals Clinic, Legal Action of Wisconsin and the Madison Unemployment Appeals Clinic offer this help.

  • Unemployment Appeals Clinics provide a trained law student who will evaluate your case. Attorneys supervise the law student, but will not represent you at the hearing. Not all cases are accepted. If your case is accepted, the law student will represent you at the hearing. There is no fee for services provided by the Clinic. However, you may have to pay to subpoena witnesses, if they are necessary.
  • Legal Action of Wisconsin provides volunteer attorneys, if available. Advice is given free but will not be given over the phone. Certain eligibility requirements need to be met before being accepted.

WHAT SHOULD YOU DO NEXT? If you disagree with the unemployment insurance determination, you must request a hearing by filing an appeal. Follow the instructions on the back of the determination for filing an appeal.

AFTER YOU FILE YOUR APPEAL, make an appointment:

Milwaukee: Call the Unemployment Appeals Clinic (414) 287-1181, Marquette University Law School, during the school year: mid-January through May and September through mid-December. Appointments are scheduled from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. usually on Mondays or Tuesdays (may vary depending on student class schedules) at Marquette University Law School, 1215 West Michigan Street, Milwaukee.

Milwaukee: Call the Legal Action of Wisconsin Intake Line (414) 278-7714. The Intake Line is open only on Tuesdays from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Thursdays 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Madison: Call the Unemployment Appeals Clinic (608) 246-HELP (4357), UW Law School. All appointments are scheduled for Monday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 the Labor Temple, 1602 S. Park Street, Madison.

Please bring all your paperwork with you at the time of your appointment.

Unemployment Appeals Clinics and Legal Action of Wisconsin are not part of Wisconsin State government in any way, and receive no funding from the state. Unemployment Appeals Clinics and Legal Action of Wisconsin do not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, sex or other factors not relevant to eligibility for unemployment benefits.